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A range that listens to nature


"We have been given the world on loan by our children and we have the responsibility of giving it back in a better state than we found it."
Barone Robert Baden-Powell

San Lorenzo adheres to the SQNPI System, a certificate of agricultural production obtained in accordance with the Regional procedural guidelines of integrated production, which include the use of compatible techniques with respect to the environment and health of agricultural operators and consumers. The National Quality System is acknowledged by the European Union (Reg. Ce 1974/2006).

Our Sustainable Choices


Reduction of phytosanitary measures
  • As of 2010 to 2019 - 60% reduction of chemical treatments
  • As of 2019 to 2021 -100% reduction of chemical treatments


Carbon credit (co2) within the ecosystem

The equipment and development of the agrosystem of woody crops (vineyards and olive groves) permit the absorption of carbon in the atmosphere. Due to the 470,000 cultivated vines on our land, not only are the emissions eliminated, given to the production activities of the company, but are produced and released into the atmosphere on an annual basis, a credit of 20 tonnes of CO2.


The use of energy via renewable sources
We sustain energy efficiency via the use of clean energy: 50% of the energy utilized in the wine cellars derives from the use of photovoltaic panels that permit the reduction of CO2 emissions to the environment.


The preservation of biodiversity
We are in favour of the introduction of beneficial insects as an advantage for the vegetative equilibrium of the vineyards and given that our vineyards are natural “green corridors” accessible to small animals that move across the land.


Water conservation
We optimise water resources via the retrieval of rainwater on the land, with three (3) lakes engaged in the collection of water.
  • As of 2010 to 2021: with the use of drip irrigation, we have saved 1,372,800 mc of water: the equivalent of the annual average consumption of 6,864 families.


Permanent grassland

We maintain the fertility and equilibrium of the land in a natural state. Controls are carried out on infesting plants in favour of controlled development of the grass coverage of the row space of the vineyards.

  • As of 2010 to 2020 we have achieved the total grass cover of our vineyards.


Resources and local activities

We use input and local resources as much as possible to give way to the development of artisan and production activities sustaining the work of the local community.
We have restructured existing buildings on our land, respecting the architecture and rural origins.